Saturday 10 July 2010

To Getch or not to Getch...

Isn't it nice to discover something you didn't know you had?

This week, a grand-mum, bought a Gtech SW02 sweeper by her daughter, called us for a replacement battery. Accidentally through to our marketing team, Gladys asked 'is that the Getch?'

Putting her through to Customer Services our marketing colleague mentioned the mistake. 'It's common' she was told, what's more Customer Servicers already call our loyal and affectionate users 'Getchers'. The more people like our products apparently, the more they want a name, our closest followers like Gladys call us 'The Getch'.

A rose by any other name of course, but maybe they choose to 'Getch' rather than adopt the sterile 'Gtech'. If so could be our service site, attracting the most experienced 'Getcher' as well as 'Getchlings' registering their first warranty. We could sponsor 'Getch yourself into design' to nurture Britain's budding inventors.

Hopefully 'Getch yourself a better brand' isn't the underlying message and presumably we do nothing, 'Getch' doesn't exactly ring. But I feel flattered people want a name for our sweeper.

So adopt Getch, or let it lie? A new name for our flagship sweeper? - a free Gtech product of choice to any commented names we use!

With last weekend being the Gtech Annual Summer Party (G.A.S.P.), next post I'll tell who swept all before her again, riding a mechanical bull. Oh and the picture up top is what I woke up to in the morning.

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