Tuesday 20 July 2010


The Gtech Annual Summer Party is always great fun but this year it doubled as our inaugural annual company meeting.

Lead item was that while Gtech staff have been content until now, serving a dedicated but modest following, we feel the time has come to spread the word further. We've recruited a top marketing manager, who'll assemble a team to let the general public into our secret - powerful floor-care doesn't mean hard work, let it be fun. I'm looking forwards to seeing what they can do.

Meanwhile New Product Design (including me) are working harder than ever. We have a 3 year plan to equip every home in the battle against grime. The first product, code-named 'Dirt Monster', is well under way. We need in-home testers soon, if you're in the Worcester area and want to go on the list, let us know.

Rounders and fun followed the meeting, but unfortunately, for the second year running my team lost. Despite catching up in the second innings, the loss could be attributable to my metronomic, generous bowling.

For the third year running Lauren, purchasing controller, rained supreme in the bull riding as various individual events ensued. I'll leave the pictures to tell the rest of the story, but a big thank you to all staff and their families for joining in.

I'll exit with a thank you and a question.

Thanks for your review of our Gtech SW02 Mellow Mummy Emma.

Gtech sweeper review here, opens new window
Give us an update in a month Ems if you get time, most people grow to like it even more, it picks up loads a Hoover can't.

The question is how to help the younger market discover our sweeper. Our testing shows excellent customer satisfaction in 25 to 40 year-olds, but not that many buy.

Is recommending a sweeper to your trendy friend like admitting you find large pants comfortable? Does the name 'sweeper' turn you off? Are we too compact and light-weight, no bigger than the manual sweepers of yester-year, for our own good?

OK several questions, but I promise a free Gtech SW02 to the best insight emailed to me at GtechOnline

Next post will be sooner and covers the Getch design team and I, day-tripping in the Bull Ring Shopping Centre, Birmingham searching for cool.

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