Tuesday 15 June 2010

Media Training

Today I've been media trained. We did some 'Idol' dreaming of our own recently, thinking of how we should adjust our sweepers to appeal to a wider range of ages. I put in the pic' up-top to kick-off with some colour (excuse gratuitous World Cup link). Feel free to vote for any favorites by commenting...

Now, media training involves going to a proper studio and being taught how to act in front of the media. Evidently if our new product is to be a roaring success, I must front-up and extol it's virtues to anyone interested enough to listen.

It is, I'm told, the secret to many great brands; Virgin = Richard Branson, Dyson = Sir James, Kara Dioguardi = American Idol etc. etc. (kidding Simon, if you ever get to hear)

Well Yvonne Gaskill, legendary TV presenter spent today polishing me up, so I'm ready as I'll ever be.

BBC2 have shown an interest and I'm to appear on 'Money Matters' on July 7th, as you'll all probably be watching the World Cup, I'll let you now how it goes on here.


  1. I really love the one with the purple flowers (bottom row far left). I think a range of colours will appeal and give you a great point of difference.

  2. I really love the one with purple flowers (bottom row far left). I think having a range of colours will give you a point of difference and really help when merchandising especially in a catalogue.
