Monday 5 December 2011

How do you stop a Christmas tree shedding needles?

I love this time of year... short days and thick jumpers mean it’s time to choose a Christmas tree.

It wasn’t always, childhood Christmases brought decorations down from the loft with an artificial tree; familiar and good, base wobbly but fine for another year.

With my wife, came real trees (people who chose this also bought…) and I love it (them).

Is there a way to stop needles falling off your Christmas tree?

While even in a Lapland forest needles are shed, there are ways to avoid a skeletal relic come Boxing Day.

Firstly store your tree outside until the last minute – the colder the better. You need a base that fills with water then, the minute you bring your beauty in, bathe her. Cut or potted Christmas trees need about a pint of water a day (no way?).

Yes way, the most important factor is water.

There are sprays on the market too, which coat needles in resin helping them hang on in there. But my advice is enjoy; like a rose losing petals, your Christmas tree is destined to slowly give her plentiful load... while not a creature is stirring (not even a mouse), enjoy her beautiful fragrance and magnificent silhouette.

Then, fire up a Gtech SW20 and break free. A wondrous 30-seconds, needles pepper the tray - a pine-fresh litre of swag a day. Drop ‘em I say, satisfaction like no other.

It’s not that I’m suggesting I designed the Gtech sweeper with Christmas in mind (It was Labrador hair actually), it just happens to be the gift that keeps on giving...

Merry Christmas!